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My Random thoughts

Monday, May 28, 2007
Life is full of trials....
Life is a mystery
with full of traps...

It throws stones on our way
and makes our journey a torture,
yet we need to muster our strength,
take everything into our stride...

Challenge the challenges of life
show the world the courage in you,
let the world realise your potential and patience....

Testing times are bad,
let not the murky waters hit your confidence,
as they hurt you, shatters the dreams...
but we need to struggle in this life...
emerge as a WINNER..

lets begin another struggle,
this time with greater effort and vigour
success can never evade us dear
we shall succeed.....
Saturday, October 28, 2006
wats going on
WATS going on..????
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Honey...Ur the best

Sweetheart ...yes ur my life,
my sweet patotie..

Ur the most precious person for me..
U have given me ur love,
wat my heart was yearning for...

Without u even a second,
seems a lifeless lifetime...
U have given me a eternity honey...

We have nourished our love,
with the little-little fights,
then patching up, cuty small pleasures of life..
the beautiful moments spent together..

Each moment, each minute,
standing by each other,
through all that life throws on our way...

Every day with u,
makes it a special lovely day to be cherished..

I want to be with u forver n ever..
till this life ends..
Hope our dreams are fulfilled..
god helps us,
and our hearts embrace in love...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Ecstasy or Agony....

Without u my life is still...
hope u understand this..
how do i tell u honey..
tht its just not possible..
for me to think of someone else...

i know things change drastically ..
distance makes a difference ...
but was this love just arbitrary?
for both of us know what we are for each other....

was it my mistake to care for u..
or was it ur mistake to fall in love with me ??

After every fight we have..
be it a serious or fun...
we make it up...
both of us understand so well ....

how do i erase all my sweet dreams...
which are being fulfilled...
how do i forget tht moments...
which u gave me to make me feel special...

both of us being so faithful..
to each other..
i just cant think of anyone else...
other than u ...
wat do i do ....tell me...

every step of mine ...
starts with u n ends with u...
every day begins by thinking of u...
n my night starts dreaming abt u ...

Is it a ecstasy tht we both r made for each other"...

or a agony as u say "we cannot become one in this life"
dont ask me to forget u or move on...
not possible without u ...
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Go on...

Y is tht i have to curl my feelings to myself...
i cant have what i want...

I dont want anything more..
yet that distant dream seems to be a horizon...
which can never be fulfilled...

Its none's fault...
and i have to live with tht truth...
it hurts me...no matter how much i convince myself ....

I dunno wat tomorrow can get me...
though unpredictable but hope lingers....

I have to let go off....
for no fault of mine..
just bcoz i dont belong to tht stream...

It tears apart two hearts....
yet got to get along this ruthless life...
burying the untold pain deep inside heart....
yet holding each other with a vital bond - a untold affection....
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
My Life is Enriched....

My Random thoughts..
turned to Cranky thoughts.....

These thoughts shaped up a new life...
turned into a beautiful dream...

My dream took a shape of endless joy...
a land without doubt and fear...
all questions erased...

A wonderful land of heaven...
with soft whispers of love...
which hardly anyone can understand...

Though future is uncertain...
but u drive away all my jaded thoughts...
with just one smile of urs....

U fill my heart with fragrance of ur affection ...
n wonderful embracing moments....

Thank you for enriching my Life...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Time is Fleeting...

Time is running...
I want to stop it..
Let the fleeting time crawl...
make these moments be forever....

Let these feelings never turn into memories
last longer n longer...
Do not disturb these precious
petals of my life....

Please do not ruin my happiness....
I promise u God not to ask anything..
except my one wish...

Im happy the way things r going on...
I wonder is this true..
r my dreams coming true ??

I wake up frm my sleep blushing...
to realise Yesss im happy....

God bless me with the strength
to cope up later n face my life...