The cranky thoughts... seldom shiver me .... U brought along petals of hope... painted my dreams blue n green... I want to fly the sky with u ... but not possible this life... The lambent tongues of flame.. attracts me to u ... Ur sweet touch makes me forget the turmoil... dunno wat it is ... i define it to be my true love n affection.. which i cant articulate in words... Ur words made my scars fade away silently... U truly have etched .. a mark on my soul.... for all i know I'm All Urs now .....
My weary eyes.. endless jaded thoughts.. can never find an answer...... My ruffled heart.. will never ever like u .. My scattered dreams.. the ruthless fate.. not ur fault.. its all in my destiny..... My misinterpretation... made me fall in abyss of sorrow.. The sullen silences... haunts me.. U never was mine....